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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has been neither previously published nor submitted for consideration to another journal.

  • The file submitted is in word processing format.

  • The text complies with the formal and content requirements stipulated in the directives for authors.

  • The bibliographical records will be presented in writing in accordance with the style stipulations set out in Official Standard ISO-690.

  • The letter declaring the originality of the article is attached.

  • The ORCID ID is indicated for each of the authors.

Author Guidelines

a) Type of work: Revista IUS (México) publishes original research (theoretical and empirical) and review articles with an Ibero-American perspective, which must contribute to the current state of knowledge of the disciplines comprising the legal sciences.

b) Length and format: Documents must be of a minimum 15 pages and a maximum 30 pages in length (from six to twelve thousand words).

Documents must be presented in Arial 12, with 1.5 line spacing, and with ordinary paragraph format in which the first line is indented.

c) Exclusivity: Proposed articles must be unpublished, while the authors, via the letter declaring the originality of the article, must commit not to simultaneously propose it to another publication.

Moreover, the acceptance of an article for publication in Revista IUS (México) requires all authors to submit a waiver of economic rights to the Legal Sciences Institute of Puebla, A.C., which will permit the latter to reproduce the document in both printed and digital format, as well as in the databases in which the journal is indexed.

Similarly, Revista IUS (México) together with its Open Access policy, allows authors to enter the postprint version of their article into an institutional or thematic repository, academic social networks or any other platform, provided that the document was originally published in Revista IUS (México) and contains the hyperlinks to the website of the publication.

d)  Degrees of participation and funding of the research:

In accordance with its committees, Revista IUS (México) requests that each of the contributions clearly specifies the degree and form of participation of each of the authors (research design, data collection, and writing, among others), indicates the type of funding received by the research disseminated, and, in the event of conflicts of interest, indicates the agreements made for its publication.

This information will be visible in the final version of the article published in Revista IUS (México).

e) Detection of plagiarism:

To guarantee that the proposed contribution is unpublished, all documents are analysed using antiplagiarism software throughout the editorial review.

The editorial team will automatically reject those contributions when this tool reports 25% similarity with other previously published documents.

f) Language of publication:

All proposed articles will be presented in the Spanish language.

The title, abstract and keywords must be translated into English.

g) Institutional affiliation:

All authors must specify their institutional affiliation in their country, while the name of the institution must be given in their native language – translations will not be accepted.

With regard to the name of the author, this must be given in the form in which it is registered for their ORCID normalized identifier number (which must also be given next to their name), followed by their email address (preferably an institutional account), which must be given below the title.

A one-paragraph curriculum vitae, no longer than 15 lines, must be incorporated at the end of the article, after the bibliography.


h) Author anonymity within the content of the article for the peer review: In order to guarantee the scientific quality within the peer review of the contributions, the editorial team of Revista IUS (México) guarantees that the content of the article will not show the names of the authors within the peer review process, which, itself, will evaluate the article based on seven criteria:

  1. Thematic relevance and originality in the context of the academic discipline:
  2. the rigor of the methodology used (the precision of the subject matter, definition of objectives, clear exhibition of the research methods used) and the relevance of the design of the methods used (statistical methods, sampling types, and research techniques) to the type of study;
  3. mastery of the topic and a coherent theoretical framework;
  4. scientific contribution and argumentative solidity of the article’s thesis;
  5. the sources used are rigorous and up-to-date;
  6. writing, orthography and expository quality; and,
  7. correspondence of the conclusions and contributions to the established objectives.

i) Structure of the article

All work proposed must be accompanied by the title, abstract, summary, keywords, development, conclusions and bibliography.

j) Title:

The title must express the subject matter of the article, be of 15 to 20 words in length, and must be translated into English.

k) Summary and abstract:

The summary must comprise 126 to 156 words. 

It must precisely describe the content of the work (objectives, methodology, main results and contributions).

As with the title, the English language version must also be presented.

l) Keywords:

These are words or compound words that indicate the content of the article, which must also be given in English.

m) Charts, figures or graphical elements:

If graphs or tables are included, these will be presented within the article and must be both numerically identified and have a title.

In the event that one of these is not taken from previous work, the authors must obtain prior permission for their reuse.

n) Additional Information:

Epigraphs must be centred and identified with cardinal numbers.

o) Bibliographical citations:

The details of the citations and references must be given in footnote form.

The footnotes that develop secondary ideas must not surpass five lines of text.

p) Bibliographical references:

The bibliography section must list the sources cited or referenced in the article.

The bibliographical records must be generated in the ISO style (Official Standard 690) and must be ordered alphabetically, be unnumbered and contain all the details pertaining to the source.

Various examples are presented below (pertinent English translation in parentheses):

  • Obra (Work)

Pérez Luño, Antonio Enrique, Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Constitución, Madrid, Tecnos, 1999.

  • Capítulo en obra colectiva (Chapter in a collective work)

Nikken, Pedro, “El concepto de derechos humanos”, en Estudios básicos de derechos humanos, Costa Rica, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derechos Humanos, t. I, pp. 35-57.

  • Artículo de revista (Article in a journal)

Villabella Armengol, Carlos Manuel, “Constitución y democracia en el nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano”, Revista IUS (México), Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla, No. 25, año IV, enero-junio 2010, pp. 49- 77.

  • Artículo en revista electrónica (Article in an electronic journal)

Zovatto, Daniel, “Ola reeleccionista en América Latina”, Revista Mundo Electoral, Año 4, 12 de diciembre de 2011, [Consultada 12 de marzo de 2016], [Disponible en:].

  • Norma legal (Official Legal Standard)

Código Federal de Procedimientos Civiles, México, 24 de febrero de 1943, Diario Oficial de la Federación: 9 de abril de 2012.

  • Tesis jurisprudencial (Jurisprudential tesis)

Tesis III.1o.C. J/50, Semanario Judicial de la Federación y su Gaceta, Novena Época, t. XXXIV, septiembre de 2011, p. 1964



Presentation of the issue by the coordinator of each edition.

Research articles

Results of original research (theoretical and empirical) on a particular subject matter as corresponding to the topics covered.

Articles for review

A critical review of the state of discussion on a particular subject matter as corresponding to the topics covered.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses introduced in this journal will be used exclusively for its established objectives and will not be passed to third parties or used for other objectives.